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Working Smarter, Not Harder

May 21, 2024
Anna Vamos

In this interview series, we talk to the FreshConstruct team about our work, life and projects. Our first interview is with our CEO, Aron Lakatos, who shares insights into our company’s fundamental characteristic – remote working.

Q: How did you start working remotely?

Aron: I began working remotely about six or seven years ago when I suggested the idea to the company I worked for at the time. I was tired of commuting and wanted more time for side projects and to spend time at home with my partner. Fortunately, my employer was flexible and agreed to give it a try. Working from home helped me focus better, and with the rise of COVID-19, remote work became a global phenomenon.

Q: Did you always envision FreshConstruct as a remote company?

Aron: Yes, when I founded FreshConstruct in March 2021, my vision was to have a remote team. We’ve proven that remote work works, and our clients also work remotely.

We don’t need an office to collaborate effectively.

Q: What changes has remote working brought to your life?

Aron: Remote work has given me more flexibility, which I love. I can plan other activities around video calls, such as walking my dog or meeting a friend for lunch.

My quality of life has improved because of remote work.

Q: Have you faced any difficulties incorporating remote work into your life?

Aron: It can be challenging to separate work from personal life when working from home. I try to establish a designated workspace to help me switch off from work.

Q: What advice would you give to someone adjusting to remote work?

Aron: Pretend you’re going to the office. Get dressed, take a shower and establish a routine. I also find the Pomodoro technique helpful. It’s a timer system where you work for 25 minutes and then take a short break.

Q: How does remote work affect performance?

Aron: Remote work has not affected our team’s productivity negatively. In fact, we’re transparent with our clients and track our progress closely.

It’s essential to avoid overworking and taking breaks to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Q: What does the future of remote work look like for Freshconstruct?

Aron: We plan to continue with remote work since it has been successful for us. We might use community working spaces for team gatherings when required. We also plan to have in-person working sessions and team-building activities a few times a year.

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